Early last week my scale stopped working. This has caused some interesting and unexpected emotions in me. I mentioned in a previous blog post how surprisingly helpful weighing myself every day has turned out to be, but I guess I didn't realize until now how much it is holding me accountable. Since my scale broke, I have felt a lot less concern about what I eat or when I eat or how much I eat because I knew there would be no accountability the next morning at weigh-in time since there wouldn't be any weigh-in time. I'm hoping one day to get to a place where my motivation for making good choices is entirely instrinsic, but for now I'm suddenly seeing the value of weighing myself every day. As a result, part of me feels the need to rush out and buy a new scale immediately; and part of me wants to hold off in case I've done a lot of damage this week so that I have a chance to remedy that before having to step on a scale again. One way or another, I will definitely be buying a new scale soon so that I have that continuing accountability and feedback, and so there are no excuses to start getting lazy in my habits. Hopefully when I weigh myself for the first time on that new scale, whether it be in 2 days or 2 weeks, the feedback on how I've spent my time in the interim will be positive.
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