
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Health Coaching - Session 2

Yesterday I had my second health coaching session with myself. It was a few days later than scheduled because of how crazy our last week of summer break was, but I actually think I will be better able to focus on my goals for the next 1 1/2 weeks now that 3 of my 4 kids are in school all day.

I do feel like I've been doing better these past two weeks. My eating hasn't changed considerably, but I haven't had as many cravings nor have I felt the need to binge (until today). And I ended up losing about a pound just from focusing on strengthening my relationship with God through scripture study and taking time for myself every day. And while I'm still really struggling to feel happy, I have been doing better mood-wise than I was before my health coaching session. So I'm seeing progress! Hooray! I have to remind myself when I am not seeing the results I was hoping for that I'm just taking this one step at a time. Even a little progress is still progress.

In yesterday's session, I decided that I need to make my marriage more of a priority. As I was thinking about all of the other things that I've been wanting to change or focus on about my life and particularly my diet, it occurred to me that maybe what's at the root of all of the issues I've been having lately is my struggling marriage. So for now I'm going to focus on showing my husband more gratitude, on sending him at least one message every day thanking him for something or letting him know something I appreciate about him.

I am also going to make it a priority to do a relaxation meditation for at least 5 minutes every day. I have been so stressed lately, and I can feel it in my neck and shoulders. I need to teach my body how to relax rather than holding all of that tension in. So I'm going to spend a few minutes focusing on relaxing each muscle in my body on a daily basis.

I also have decided to take a week off of dairy, which accounts for the binging I did at lunchtime today. I was afraid of feeling deprived by not being able to eat pizza and ice cream, so I went and bought a pizza for lunch today, along with some dessert bread sticks. I then proceeded to eat 3 or 4 pieces of pizza followed by several bread sticks. I will say, however, that I stopped much sooner than I would have in the past. So I still consider it progress. Also, the reason I'm going to cut out dairy is because my stomach has been bothering me so much lately, and I'm inclined to think that it's due at least in part to my dairy consumption. So I have high hopes that I will feel so much better once I've removed the dairy from my diet that I won't have any desire for it anymore.

Finally I'm going to keep a food journal for a while, just writing down what I ate, at what time, and how I felt throughout the day. I'm hoping it will be very eye-opening.

There are other things I "talked" about during my health coaching session, such as drinking more water. I would like to do better with that, but for now the emphasis is on my marriage and on meditation. Even the dairy and the food journal are going to take a back burner to those if need be.

My next health coaching session is only 1 1/2 weeks away. I'm excited to see what these next few days bring.

Todays stats:
body fat: (I actually forgot to check this today)
weight: 152.6 lbs

P. S. I pulled my goals sheet out of my binder and hung it in my closet where I can read it every day. What's the point of setting goals if I can't even remember what they are?

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