
Monday, July 29, 2013

Health Coaching 101

Does this health coaching thing really work? Can people really be helped by meeting with someone twice a month for 6 months to talk about their health? Well, I'm going to find out. While in theory I believe this is a good program, I can't in all honesty say that I have a testimony of it because I've never tried it for myself. But now I find myself about 40 pounds heavier than I was a year ago and not exactly looking the part of a health coach. So now is the perfect opportunity for me to test this theory. I'm going to be my own health coach for the next 6 months as I work to get into shape again. I'm going to give myself recommendations and then "meet" with myself every 2 weeks to review how I'm doing with those recommendations. I'm going to see if this really works.

As I go through this process, I'm going to really examine what works and what doesn't work in my program and start tweaking it where necessary. I feel confident that by the end of the 6 months I will not only be a happier, healthier individual but also I will have a solid health coaching plan that I believe in and that I know will be effective for those who come to me for help.

Today I am going to do a health history consultation on myself. I will report back as I go through this process, recognizing that there will likely be backslides now and then and the occasional binge here and there. But that's life. And that's going to happen. And I'm still going to be successful, even with my imperfections.

Todays stats:
body fat: 38.3%
weight: 153.8 lbs
I actually don't care so much about weight, but since % body fat is more difficult to measure on a regular basis (at least with any accuracy), I will include my weight to help gauge progress.

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