
Sunday, April 6, 2014

No April Fool

I thought it might be a good idea to give some updates on what has been going on in my life lately, both the good and the bad. I did my weigh-in the morning of April 1st, and I was half a pound UP from where I was the first day of last month! I posted before about plateaus and about the fact that I was on one during the first part of March. Well, unfortunately that plateau lasted a good portion of the month; but rather than causing my weight to plateau, it actually went up, up, up until I had gained almost 7 lbs. Yikes! Given that, I'm grateful that I was able to get back down almost to the starting point, although I'm disappointed in my lack of overall progress.

As for my sleep experiment, after only getting to bed by 9:00 about 50% of the time, I decided to adjust it to  aiming for a 10:00 bedtime and a total of 8 hours of sleep a night. Even that has proven tough, but I'm working on it. I'm determined to see this experiment through to the end.

Interestingly enough, after several days of getting a full night's sleep, instead of feeling better, I felt like I had slipped into a full-blown depression. It was like my body felt like it was a good time to emotionally detox since I was finally giving it enough sleep. Depression=bad. I really don't like it. And after several months of dealing with some pretty severe mood swings, this was the last straw. I decided to be more proactive in addressing the issue. Any of you who know me know that I am not into just going to the doctor and getting a pill to fix my problems. Instead, I'm interested in getting down to the heart of the problem, figuring out what isn't working and why. In my search, I ended up in a natural medicine doctor's office, and he found that, among other things, my thyroid is not working well. So I started taking a natural supplement to support my thyroid, and within a couple of days I felt significantly better! I'm so excited and grateful to be feeling strong and whole again! So while I am still interested in getting to the bottom of why my thyroid was malfunctioning to begin with, at least I have taken a big step forward by discovering the problem and addressing it.

Finally, in reference to the 10,000 hours quandary I posted about a few days ago, I have decided to take this next month to focus on running, specifically Chi Running and Chi Running instruction. I have loved running for years. And during that time that I was debating about what to throw out and what to focus most of my energy on, I kept coming up with reasons why running wasn't right for me: it doesn't seem that important compared to some of the other options, I'm really slow, I don't have the right "look" for a runner (or a running coach), etc. But in the end I realized that if that is really my passion, it will lead me to far greater things and far greater joy than anything else that I try to force into the role of "my passion." So I'm going to test it and see if that really is my passion. So far I'm loving it.

Well, that's about all I have to report for now. I'll check in again soon.

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